Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I didn't want to write a lot...

I really don't want to write a lot, because I am leaving for the jungle in 2.5 hours! (and I want to get some sleep)

So, these last few weeks have been really busy. Two week-long medical brigades, 3 papers in spanish, 2 final exams (Spanish and culture), and 1 giant fruit salad later, I'm about ready for a little vacation! Haha, I really am extremely excited about going to the jungle, and it came at the perfect time. I think we're all getting a little bit (or a lot bit) anxious to come home, and it's been a challenge to keep our minds and hearts here for even the small amount of time we have left.

So anyway, I have a special thing to share with all of you. God obviously has a few more things he wants to teach me before I leave, so I better not be checking out quite yet. Ok, so...last week, I went to home-church bible study with my host brother Sebas. I frankly don't remember what the topic was that night, but that wasn't how God chose to speak to me. After the devotion, the bible-study leader said that he was going to lead us in prayer, and that he felt like God had some things to show us. So after his prayer he was going to wait, and we were supposed to let him know if any of us felt like God sent us a word or a vision or something...Now, honestly, I've struggled with the concepts of prophecy and such. Not that I don't believe God is capable of giving messages to people, but I'm just always weary of other people’s sincerity. In fact, there was a group from CA down here a few weeks ago on a mission’s trip doing “healing” ministries, which really stirred a lot in my brain about the Spirit of God and the power we draw from Him. Anyway, you can ask me about that later…So, we prayed as a group, and then sat in silence for no longer than a minute or so. During that time, I actually prayed for sincerity from the other people, and just gave God thanks for the evening. When we lifted our heads at least 3 people had something (a vision) they thought they received from God. All that was shared had a direct message to someone else present that night about something personal in their lives. And to my surprise and comfort, they were all very genuine. Genuinely spoken, and received by those whom they were about. The leader asked us to bow our heads again and ask for anything else that needed to be shared. This time, I asked God to give those in the room visions that he wanted to share, but again, that they would be genuine and sincere. Again, numerous people had something to share. And a third time, we prayed in silence. But this time, when I closed my eyes…I saw something.

It was a brilliant, vivid picture of a girl, a girl who attends that bible study, but with whom I have no relation. I don’t even know her name. I saw her face, vividly, staring at a cross that was illuminated with a radiant light.

--I know this sounds cheesy. But it’s the truth.

So with seeing this picture, clear as day, with my eyes closed, I told God. God, I do not want to misrepresent you in any way, shape, or form. If this is not of you, take it AWAY.

And it stayed. The same picture, or vision if you will, remained there. I don’t know where else to say that is way, except that it was “there.” It was in front of me, and I could see it and nothing else. We opened our eyes, and I asked God again, to let me know if he really wanted me to share this thing. And I kid you NOT, the moment that prayer escaped from me, God ANSWERED that question. My temperature instantly shot up, and I began to sweat like I had just finished a 4K race. My heart was pounding so hard and loud, I was afraid the neighbors would hear. And mostly obviously, I had a feeling, deep in my stomach that I had to do something (I was pretty sure I knew what it was…).

So, I waited.

There were actually, a few others who had something more to share. I wish I could explain it better without writing a novel, but everything that people saw had a specific message to someone else present that night. And even if the person who saw the vision didn’t know what it meant, either the person it was for or someone else felt like they knew. So, after they had all shared, and I was still sitting there, sweating and probably as red as a grape tomato, I decided to speak. I explained what I saw to the girl whose face it was, and someone felt like it meant she needed to keep looking toward Christ in every aspect of her life. And take it as God’s work or not, but the EXACT moment I was done sharing, my bodily functions returned to normal. I was no longer uncomfortable, my pulse was not racing, and I didn’t feel warm, let alone hot.

I don’t fully understand all the pieces of what happened that night, but I am sure of this:

What I saw was genuine.

I was supposed to share it with that girl.

And, it was of God.

As it did for me, I hope that in sharing this with you all, it sparks a curiosity within you, which draws you to seek and better understand the character of the Creator and Savior of the world. (Please don’t be shy about asking me questions about this. I know it can be hard to understand, and I don’t claim to know it all, but it is meant to give glory to God, and that’s what I want to do.)

I hope you all have a great weekend!

12 more days until I’m back in the States!

Ciao ciao,


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