Friday, February 1, 2008

“Gracias.” I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Not only to my Ecuadorian family, (because sometimes it’s the only thing I know to say) but also to God. I really have so much to be thankful for. A) This extraordinary opportunity to study and learn in the beautiful country of Ecuador. 2) Lots of other things. And D) ALL OF YOU! Seriously, it is so wonderful to be reminded of and hear from those I love so much back home. And I am especially grateful for those who were responsible for the all the notes, cards, gifts, and chocolate ;) that mysteriously (or not-so-mysteriously…) made they’re way into my bags. I cannot even tell you how much they mean to me! I have been rationing my way through the cards and such. Even though I really want to open them all right now, I also want to appreciate each word you all wrote. I can honestly say that every card I’ve read so far has made me cry. And not the “oh-I’m-so-sad” kind of cry, but the “I-am-so-truly-touched-by-this-person” kind. I love you guys so much! Gracias, or thank you, or however you say it, really doesn’t do justice to all the blessings I’ve been given. So ummmm…MUCHAS gracias!!!

On a different note, I am also so very thankful for the peace given me by my Father in Heaven. I was pretty anxious for about a week before I left to Ecuador, normal nerves and such. But I must tell you all that last Friday morning, from the moment I woke up, I was so comforted and truly at peace with what I was doing, it could only be of God. That peace continues to follow me despite frustrations with my lame-o Spanish skills, stress on my family with Carolina’s tumor, the fact my entire family is sick with colds, and how much I miss you all in the States. It reminds me of that Sunday school song…”I’ve got the peace that passes understanding, down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart…”

Lastly, I so thankful for a sunny day! It’s absolutely gorgeous outside. (It has rained everyday so far) I can’t wait for Carnival this weekend! I got sprayed with water at least 5 times as we were walking around the city this morning. So fun!

With more love than you know,


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